Wandering Medusa

ID: SM-000224286
CompositorKerry Engle
EditoraKerry Engle, Archengle Productions
Ano de composição 2015
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
chave Polytonal
Instrumentação Piano, Clavicórdio, Flauta, Clarinete, Fagote, Oboé, Trombone tenor, Trompa francesa, Trombeta, Tuba, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Harpa, Marimba, Timbales, Xilofone, Contrafagote
Composição paraOrquestra Sinfônica
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
duração 3'48"
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 1
dificuldade Very difficult
descripção Wandering Medusa – In Greek mythology Medusa was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and creamy pale skin. A curse was placed on her which turned her into a beast with green skin and snakes growing out of her head instead of hair. Falling deep into despair over her plight, she wandered through the continent of Africa where the snakes would fall from her head, creating broods of venomous serpents across the continent. This piece uses an invented scale that features two quarter tones which we hear in the strings and the timpani. We hear the snakes start flying from Medusa’s head , and an occasional pause to turn someone into stone as we listen.
data de postagem 10.04.2015


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